Christopher Peters

I'm a seasoned professional data scientist that has consulted across a variety of industries spanning energy, tech, supply chain, sales, recruiting, consumer services and marketing. I'm also a Bayesian statistician and economist with 11 years of industry experience having helped build three companies: Zapier, Touch AI and Treehouse.

As its 9th employee and first data scientist, using only $1.3 million in outside capital, I helped grow Zapier from just $1.2 million in ARR to a multi-billion dollar company over 9 years.

During that time, I grew the data team from a single data scientist to over 50 data professionals. Over time, I've hired and worked alongside many talented co-workers, teams and departments to grow the company's ability to help customers. Today, the company employs over 700 people and I'm very proud of the number of people it helps access technology as a matter of course.

I have a real passion for working with, sharing, visualizing and analyzing phenomena of all kinds using statistical, visual and machine learning tools and techniques. My specialties are lie in artificial intelligence, SaaS product development, monetization, data strategy development, Bayesian statistical modeling, machine learning, survival analysis, reliability statistics, visualization, software engineering, and data architecture including instrumentation and data pipelines.

Christopher is one of the most talented, intellectual, and strategic leaders who I have ever had the opportunity to work with. His extensive background in AI/ML has made such a significant impact on the direction of my company, RIZZARR, now and as we plan to scale in the future. What I like most about Christopher is that despite is admirable business accomplishments and intellect, he remains humble, a learner, and such a team player. He's a great listener and doer. He is the type of a person who any company would dream to have a part of their team. He has such an immense ability to take an idea and truly bring it into reality to impact the masses. I'm incredibly grateful to have witness his intellectual capacity and creative abilities come to life in full throttle! I highly recommend him!

- Ashley Williams, Chief Exective Officer, RIZZARR

Having known Christopher both professionally and personally for many years, I can attest to his exceptional skills as a data scientist, his deep understanding of business needs, and his innate entrepreneurial spirit. He's a world-class statistician who has reviewed academic work in the field and who has pioneered data science for early stage companies. During his tenure at companies like Zapier and Treehouse, he demonstrated an unparalleled ability to leverage data to drive business growth.

I had the privilege of hiring Christopher as a consultant to help us revamp the membership model for my publishing company. His strategic insights and recommendations led to a significant improvement in our key performance indicators, and a better understanding of strategy for my team. Chris also has an incredible ability to communicate complex concepts in a manner that is easily understandable.

Consulting Services